Lesion gastrointestinal por ingesta causticos pdf

Spectrum of injury to upper gastrointestinal tract and natural history. Definicion, etiologia, clasificacion, fisiopatologia, diagnostico, tratamiento y recomendaciones. We use cookies to make interactions with our website easy and meaningful, to better understand the use of our services, and to tailor advertising. Ingesta, causticos, endoscopia digestiva alta, tratamiento. Alberto david perez mijanjos 6 a1 azucena cruz balbuena bibliografia. Review of epidemiology, physiopathology, clinical manifestations, evaluation and therapy of caustic lesions. Lesiones con aspecto blanquecino, humedas necrosis por licuefaccion, penetracion en profundidad producida por caustico alcalino. Intoxicacion por causticos y corrosivos by nasajpg of. Terapia nutricional en pacientes adultos con quemaduras del. Fotofobia, epifora, dolor ocular y edema conjuntival intenso por contacto conjuntival. Management of these patients is controversial as far as the best endoscopic and intensive care approach. Caustics injuries in the upper gastrointestinal tract.